导乐一对一指导 协助产妇自然分娩新加坡八频道 - 晨光第一线 9月18日:怀孕的过程十分艰辛,到了生产前更是难熬。要自然分娩还是要打麻醉针?要怎么喂母乳?数不尽的问题在等待着新手妈妈。有一些孕妇则会产前会雇佣一名有丰富生育经历和接生知识的女性,也被称为“导乐”来帮忙。今天开始的新系列《心鲜人》就去认识一位...
Having a doula for your labour?Pregnancy and labour can be an overwhelming experience. Some mothers-to-be turn to doulas for support during this critical time. What exactl
How to draft a birth plan?Birth plan is a way to express your preferences for birth and delivery. It is important to draft a birth plan so that your doctor and...
Low-lying placenta: How will it affect my birth?What is a low lying placenta and how will if affect my birth? A placenta that lies lower in the womb is commonly seen on ultrasound...
Nose bleed in pregnancyI'd never had a nosebleed in my life before I got pregnant. But now I get them all the time. Why? The skin lining the inside of the nose...
Should I avoid peanuts during pregnancy?Food Allergies: I've heard that if I avoid certain foods during my pregnancy, like peanuts, I can help prevent my child from developing...
Choosing an elective caesarean section? 剖腹产好吗?Dr E K Tan explains the pros and cons of an elective caesarean section. 陈英健医生为你解释剖腹分娩的利与弊。 For a PDF version of the article, click here