The 20 weeks ScanDr Tan takes a look at the 20-week scan offered to every pregnant woman and looks at some of the conditions that might be flagged in the...
导乐一对一指导 协助产妇自然分娩新加坡八频道 - 晨光第一线 9月18日:怀孕的过程十分艰辛,到了生产前更是难熬。要自然分娩还是要打麻醉针?要怎么喂母乳?数不尽的问题在等待着新手妈妈。有一些孕妇则会产前会雇佣一名有丰富生育经历和接生知识的女性,也被称为“导乐”来帮忙。今天开始的新系列《心鲜人》就去认识一位...
Gestational Diabetes - 妊娠糖尿病控制不当,将对胎儿造成怎样的影响?Interview on gestational diabetes in Mandarin. What are the effects of poor control in gestational diabetes?
Pregnant? - Protecting your baby from Whooping CoughInformation about whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy
Group B Streptococcus GBS infection during pregnancyThe new patient information leaflet from RCOG on GBS infection in pregnancy and newborn babies. Listen to the audio clip from the link...
Sleeping position during pregnancy 孕妇睡眠时的姿势孕妇应该在睡觉时侧躺。不管是左或右侧躺,都可以。平躺时,子宫和胎儿会压着孕妇动脉和静脉的血液循环,直接影响到胎儿的血液循环,提高胎死腹中的风险。所以孕妇应该注意睡眠时的姿势,尽量侧躺。