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E K and E L Women's Clinic
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How to draft a birth plan?
Birth plan is a way to express your preferences for birth and delivery. It is important to draft a birth plan so that your doctor and...

Alcohol in Pregnancy - How much can I drink?
Can I drink wine when I am pregnant? What impact does alcohol have on the unborn baby? Alcohol consumed by the mother crosses the...

DR TAN: 当人体内的甲状腺产生过多的甲状腺素时,会导致甲状腺功能亢进。甲状腺素是一种控制我们人体新陈代谢的非常重要的激素。 甲状腺过多,可以导致以下症状: 心悸,脉搏增快,焦虑,手颤抖和失眠, 眼球突出, 出汗, 怕热,体重降低, 肌肉虚弱。...

Low-lying placenta: How will it affect my birth?
What is a low lying placenta and how will if affect my birth? A placenta that lies lower in the womb is commonly seen on ultrasound...

Nose bleed in pregnancy
I'd never had a nosebleed in my life before I got pregnant. But now I get them all the time. Why? The skin lining the inside of the nose...

Should I avoid peanuts during pregnancy?
Food Allergies: I've heard that if I avoid certain foods during my pregnancy, like peanuts, I can help prevent my child from developing...

Sleeping positions during pregnancy
Will sleeping on my back during pregnancy harm my baby? Most women find it extremely uncomfortable to lie on their back during pregnancy....
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